Vanishing Point: This picture is of my brother Judah looking out over a rail. This is located at a central point in the city called "El Obispado" where flown is a national flag of Mexico the size of a football field.
Temperature: This picture demonstrates the main two global signs for tempreature being the Celcius and Fahrenheit. I always get confused as to which one is Mexico's and the USA's!
Stapler: I am very proud of my close-up shot of such a classy and sofisticated object. This stapler is one of many found in my classroom at the Kindergarten school I teach.
Squirrel: (Because squirrels are non-existent here in Mexico, really there aren't any, Grace gave me permission to just pick "something furry"). Daphne is one of the puppies our dog Meesha had recently. Isn't she a cutie? Here she is dolled up in Russian "babushka" attire.
Self Portrait: Here is my attempt at a self portrait. As you can see, I am not very good at these although my brother is a pro (practice makes perfect ;). Reflections: Judah is walking down a dock-like area downtown called "Paseo de Sta. Lucia." It is a new place they built here in Mexico to look like San Antonio's Riverwalk (a copout).
Police: This was as close as I got to taking police pictures. To be quite honest, the police here are as corrupt as the crooks and most of them are crooks seeking to learn the ways of the government, or seeking to join the ranks (so they have men on both sides) and their corruption can be more widespead.
Police2: and one more police picture. This is located at a park near my house. I go jogging here with my Dad as often as I can and I'm not quite sure why they have a small police quarters there but I think they are supposed to be looking out for the neighborhood. (As I took these pictures they kept glaring at me like "What are you taking those for?" as I nonchalantly got down on the ground to take a picture of a sparrrow and some trees (so as to calm all suspicions). I think they decided I was a freak of a tourist.
Music: My little sister (who owns this camara) was practicing her violin when I was on this scavenger hunt, so I though "Aha! Music!"
Making A Statement: This scene is one I drove past with my Dad on our way to a pastor's meeting far out in a poor town. It really made an impact on me because these people were lining the streets selling used clothing and other wares for very cheap. It was beautiful to see them diligently working with what little they had and sitting through the hot sun, when I sometimes complain about working in an air-conditioned room in nicer conditions.
Leap: My sister is leaping through the air! There was just no other way I could think of portraying this one. This was probably her 15th jump and her feet were getting pretty bruised, so its as good a shot as I could get.
Funny: My girlies! These are my three little stinkers who I attempt to teach math and science to, yet they would much rather make funny faces at my camara. They do this all by themselves too! The ringleader (girl on the far right) would say "Make funny face now!" and all the girls would start being silly and doing...exactly what they're doing in the picture!
Fear: I would have liked a close-up shot of my face here portraying fear (and I know shots of yourself probably don't count) but I set this picture up myself with the idea that my expression would portray fear in the midst of my surroundings (broken down walls; kind of caged in).
My Favorite thing: Here is a picture that just makes my heart burst because it is overlooking the whole city of Monterrey (well a portion, you need to do a 365 fisheye lens if you want to get the whole picture). This picture is a favorite of mine because when I look out on this sea of buildings I see an even greater sea of people and more specifically people God has called my family to serve and give our lives for while we are here in Mexico. I don't know how much longer we will be here, but I want to make the most of every day to be spent for the spreading of the gospel here so that those in darkness can come into marvelous light.
The bird in the above picture was flying in the same spot for at least 5 minutes, maintaining its wings still and being upheld by the wind currents. It was so fascinating to watch and reminded me of all the times in scripture where God tells us to learn from the birds, how He provides for them, how they live so carefree, and learn to fly above their circumstances.
Date: Today's date on my classroom whiteboard. Something I do every morning is to write down the date so my kids can copy it onto their notebooks. I was trying to get the glare off the picture but was not really sure what setting to put it on so it would do that.
Coffee: Liquid Happinessss. And our coffee maker is actually bilingual! For some reason the instructions are longer in Spanish than in English. More explanation neede probably. Beside it is my favorite mug--bought my self as a gift to my self on Christmas day. If you look closely you will see it has tiny sparkles (the only Starbucks mug I've ever seen with sparkels and I just HAD to have it!)